Building the right supports around us within our chosen Communities- by Positive Pathways

Building the right supports around us within our chosen Communities- Reframing our Approach and Mindset to our Recruitment Needs.

A Guide from the In Conversation Series, Irish Families Leading Change, Positive Pathways- by Molly O'Keefe

This resource addresses the personal support structures we have in our lives. When we think about this we naturally separate out the paid or professional supports and the informal/relationship based supports. This helps us find out who to go to for support depneding on the task.Reflections

For many people who are labelled as having a disability, we find that the natural and paid supports often get blended into one. This guide helps find clarification around the people that we choose to support us in our lives.

Typically paid supports can only offer us a traditional model of care, which means that we may forever be seen only as a client or disabled person. This resource identifies that we may all need paid support in our lives at some time and at varying levels. However, we all need freely given relationships, some of us may need support to build and sustain these. It is therefore important to reflect on what is important to us in creating and maintaining natural, as well as paid support in our lives.

Read here: Building the Right Support Around Us