Our News

Webinar – Reducing stress and increasing well-being –how to care for yourself and access psychosocial supports during and after COVID-19
NDA Vocational Rehabilitation Survey 2021
Grow It Forward Campaign
Covid-19: Latest info and updates
The National Housing Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 2022-2027: Have Your Say
Press Release: HSE publish their Corporate Plan 2021-2024
Calling All Disabled Activists here is an opportunity to get your voice heard.
Building the right supports around us within our chosen Communities- by Positive Pathways
New Resource launched: MY EMERGENCY SUPPORT PLAN- by Positive Pathways
REPORT – Evaluation of personalised support and accommodation in disability and mental health services
How personal budgets are working in Ireland – A Research Brief
HSE National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy Newsletter
Launch of Expressions of Interest to join Ireland’s Disability Participation and Consultation Network
The Joint Committee on Disability Matters invites submissions to hear about their lived experience
Strong personal relationships, connections & networks give us a sense of belonging & safety
Building and Belonging – Resource for Manifesto Point 3
Fergus Finlay: Time to loudly proclaim Disability Lives Matter
Important decision by the European Parliament on the rights of people with disabilities – ETR