Covid-19: Latest info and updates

Public Health Measures

Ireland is at level 5 restrictions. This means everyone is asked to please stay at home, to protect friends, family and the frontline.

You can see the measures in place here.


COVID-19 Vaccination Programme

The vaccination programme continues to be rolled out nationwide, and more than 280,000 vaccines have been administered. This week we saw the vaccination programme go firmly out into the community, with people aged 85 and over beginning to be invited for their vaccines by GPs. When this group is complete, we’ll move on to the next age-group, people aged 80 and over.


COVID-19 Vaccine Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communications Resources

Irish Sign Language (ISL) videos explaining important information about the COVID-19 vaccine are available here.


COVID-19 Guidance for Health and Social Care Workers who visit homes to deliver healthcare

You can find the guidance here.


General guide on the management of COVID-19 outbreaks in the workplace

You can find the guidance here.


Public Health Advice for Construction Sector: key points for construction industry in responding to a case of COVID-19

You can find the guidance here.


COVID-19 Guidance for Healthcare Staff in Disability Services

You can access information from this webinar here.


Current recommendations for the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19

You can find the current recommendations here.


Where to find COVID-19 Vaccination Information

We encourage everyone to read about the COVID-19 vaccine and to get their information from a factual, trusted source – here are the links to the pages with information on the vaccine:


Public Health Information

As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: and Clinical and professional guidance relating to COVID-19 is available on where you’ll find up to date guidance for healthcare settings and non-clinical settings.


Please check here for the most up to date partner resources for COVID-19.


You can find the COVID-19 A-Z information here from the HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC).


Please also check the Healthy Ireland site here with further resources and information on the Keep Well campaign.


You can view the latest information on how Ireland is responding to cases of COVID-19 here.